Once you partner with us you gain access to our Coach The Coach Certification Institute that puts you on track to building you, and earning your Coaching Certification through SGGN Group. 

We provide our team with evidence-based Coaching while marrying their why.  Our Coaches have achieved the very success and beyond in the areas they are duplicating within their organizations and companies. 

Earn As You Learn and Grow A Lasting Legacy

Join Executive Coach, Dr.  Gladney as she places you on the path of securing your legacy that will outlast you, while becoming a certified Coach on your journey. 

Dr. Gladney and her Coaching team will give you the Blue Print for your Personal Branding that will awaken those who have followed you for years, while introducing you to your new tribe who are seeking you out.   Our culture provides you with the confidence, voice, and platforms that moves fear out of the way. 

Work with Dr. Gladney and her team to create a 30-day plan of strategy, focus, and execution while presenting the best you!

Interested in joining our team and integrating your mission into ours for success?  

Complete our one minute lifestyle survey today and we will put you on the path that  speaks to your dreams and aspirations.   

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